viernes, 30 de abril de 2021


Why did I choose my major?

When I was a child, my dream was to be an astronaut, I loved science and read books, discover the world and the universe through the pages motivate me to choose the path of the science. When I was choosing my career, I can find things related to science, and I choose the career of Medical Technology, a very beautiful career but I could see that it wasn’t my vocation (I can’t see the people with serious injuries and I can’t see the needles or do intravenous ways, they make me very nervous).

Then, I can search new paths in the Natural science, and I choose the forest engineering, principally because I love the nature and trees, even if it better in presential mode and with the practice in field.

I don’t know exactly what the area is where I work, but now I like the investigation more than the forestall industry.

1 comentario:

  The person that i admire The father of the theories of relativity, I really admire it, because he is a one of the greatest scientists in t...