jueves, 15 de julio de 2021

 The person that i admire

The father of the theories of relativity, I really admire it, because he is a one of the greatest scientists in the history of the humanity, he be discriminated for the other scientist, he was qualified like a crazy but that was not an impediment for her continues studies.

He finds the explication for the relativity of time and space-time paradoxes; this marks the beginning of a lot of theories in the matter, that today still being studied.

Albert Einstein be born in the march 14th of the 1879 in the city of Ulm in Germany.

In the year 1905, he works in the patent office of Berna, but in these days, he was already interested in physics, for that he was write the theory of the special relativity.

Later in the 1915 he presents the greatest theory ever, the theory of the general relativity, for it he was consecrated like a one of the most important scientific in the history.

domingo, 11 de julio de 2021

The contribution of my mayor to change the world

My mayor can change the world between the conservation of nature, especially, the conservations of the forest.

The good practices in the forestall process, and the sustainable production of the different products of the wood, the respect for the protected species, all that are things that a forestall enginery must be save.

Personally, I like to investigate of the species and new forms to conservation, the care of forest is very important, and the preservation guaranteed a world with low contamination and clean air, I like to contribute in that, plant new forest or propagate protected species, is a thing that all people of the world must be do it.

My mayor contributes to the world because the forest is one of the principal’s prime matter, and no only that, too contribute in the investigation and protection of the nature and ecosystems, without a healthy ecosystems, the human raze going to the extinction.

viernes, 9 de julio de 2021

The most favorite of my subjects

My favorite subject since ever are the natural sciences, in all their maters, but principally I like the physicals sciences.

In the physicals sciences I like the study of the universe, the astronomy and quantum theories that make you think and that awaken your curiosity and your imagination.

In this mater I learn about the theories of the black holes and the quantum paradoxes. Is a very extensive topic, I read a lot of books about the origin and the evolution and of the universe for understand that. The paradoxes topic is crazy, here we find theories that only fit in your imagination, for example, theories of the butterfly effect or temporal-space travels, what occurred when I travel in time, where appears and what be the temporal line, all is the same or change some things? etc.

Before I studied that I have a great curiosity and my interest awake because y read books or watch documentaries in the topic, and begin to discover and understand more and more things.

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021


My favorite Food!

Is a very difficult question, because I really like so many types of food, I can’t decide for one of them.

But I can divide the preferences in two great groups, the sweet food, and the salty food.

In the sweet food I really like the cakes with dulce de leche or anyone food with dulce de leche, is my favorite sweet food.

In the other side, mi favorite salty food is a Sushi, I really like the Sushi, my favorite roll is a Chilean creation, in some places be called “Vegetariano” but the name is variated in each place, is simply a roll of Sushi with champignon or choclito, cream cheese and ciboullete or green onion, and you can find for “Luka” or “Luka y media”, is very accessible. I wish some day travel to Japan and taste the real Japan Sushi in a traditional Sushi Restaurant.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021


My Favourite Technological Device!

 My favorite technology device is a Videogame Consoles!

 Well, I love play videogames in my free times, is a golden time in the life, I refresh, relax, and have a great good time.

 I play videogames for as long as I remember, so many worlds and histories to explore inspirating my imagination, and with the passage of time I have more interest about the developers and development for the mechanics, graphics, soundtracks, etc. and now with some friends working in our own project. (We hope that someday see the light…)

 Is full recommended to have a Videogames Console, makes a great time, not to mention that the most actual consoles have a streaming application, watch videos, movies, listen to music, etc. Are a very complete device of entertainment.

viernes, 30 de abril de 2021


Why did I choose my major?

When I was a child, my dream was to be an astronaut, I loved science and read books, discover the world and the universe through the pages motivate me to choose the path of the science. When I was choosing my career, I can find things related to science, and I choose the career of Medical Technology, a very beautiful career but I could see that it wasn’t my vocation (I can’t see the people with serious injuries and I can’t see the needles or do intravenous ways, they make me very nervous).

Then, I can search new paths in the Natural science, and I choose the forest engineering, principally because I love the nature and trees, even if it better in presential mode and with the practice in field.

I don’t know exactly what the area is where I work, but now I like the investigation more than the forestall industry.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2021



Who am I?

My name is Patricio, I’m student of forestall engineering and I’m a very happy for this.

I live in the Santiago of Chile, in the commune of El Bosque since my birth.

I live with my parents and my lovely doggy Honey; she is like a daughter. I’m a the last one of three brothers, my sisters get out of home some time ago.

I like play with my doggy one time every day. Also, I like play videogames, I like in generally the videogames but I prefer RPG´s or classic games with a nice history and awesome soundtracks.

One of my passions in the life is drawing, is a time when I find with myself and can make fly mi imagination.

My favorite food is a Marraqueta with Manjar, is a simple but tasty pleasure of the life…

  The person that i admire The father of the theories of relativity, I really admire it, because he is a one of the greatest scientists in t...